
October 24, 2010

much love <3

329, originally uploaded by beag1e94.

1 - Check out Lynda Naranjo's blog... so beautiful and dreamy!
2 - Friendship bracelets are awesome.
3 - and how about making a spoon ring to go with that bracelet?
4 - there were 5 fridays, 5 saturdays, and 5 sundays in this month.
5 - I still need to carve a pumpkin this year. this guy does some amazing ones.
6 - ever see shoes hung over a telephone wire and wonder why in the world...?
7 - I can't think of a number 7.... aaah! the weather is beautiful :)


  1. In relation to #6, after passing some on the way home, I was thinking that just today.

  2. Friendship bracelets....ah yes. Both my kids have a few given to them by their friends. So what does your friendship bracelet mean to you? And by whom was it given?

  3. I took a look at your photos and you are one excellent photographer. You could upload your photos to several websites and sell them, bringing in some income. Have you thought about that? One site I know of is called Check it out. Also one I just found is called Zazzle doesn't cost you anything to sell -- whereas Etsy costs .20 cents to post your stuff for 4 months. People would buy your photography -- I would! :)


tell me about yourself. what do you think about this post? what's going on in your life? what cool things have you run across lately? what'd you eat for lunch???

...I want to get to know you. :)