
January 29, 2011

Salvation Soap Box: part one

117wm, originally uploaded by beag1e94.

I still believe God is good, I still believe he’s real, I still love him like crazy. But that doesn’t make me hurt any less, it doesn’t make me feel the least bit better and it doesn’t solve my problems. People are always saying the only thing that can truly solve your problems is God, but I think that’s not exactly right. Or at least it can give the wrong impression.

You see, saying that makes people think that God is the magic cure to everything. Once you pray that magical prayer, you’ll get that job, you’ll get straight A’s, you won’t cry another tear and no one will ever be mean to you again. That is, unfortunately, very wrong. Horribly wrong. Take it from a girl who would know, God doesn’t solve all of your Earthly problems. That is to say, he doesn’t make them go away with the wave of an enchanted wand.


And yet, he is still the answer.

Sometimes, he chooses to let us squirm and be uncomfortable. He’s not a get out of jail free card, we would never learn that way. But he never leaves us. He promises he will never forsake us, and what accepting Jesus does is take care of us in the long run. The bible tells us that when we get to heaven, whatever happened to us on Earth will seem as fleeting as a dream.

Stay tuned for part two…

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