
November 18, 2010

Dear anonymous...

82, originally uploaded by beag1e94.

I have recieved some lovely comments from you guys lately, and as I like to give y'all the priviledge of giving no information at all when you comment, I will be answering the anonymous comments/questions on my blog. This may become an ongoing section if you guys oblige... ;) Ask me questions, tell me about yourself, tell me your whole life story, if you're in the mood... I love talking to y'all :)

so anyway. this post is for an anonymous comment I recieved recently.

Dear anonymous,
first off, I dedicate this picture to you, because I think you'll appreciate the beautiful leaves we've had in my southern state... they keep getting more and more beautiful! And I just loved how they looked on the hood of the car.
I am so glad my pumpkin brightened your day! haha, he was so much fun to make and I confess I got the giggles every time I saw him smiling up at me from the front porch. He's such a happy vegetable.
As far as the ipod goes, a few people have asked me how I like it, so I'm going to do a review post later this week... maybe tomorrow.
I'm sorry, I must have forgotten to paste the hyperlink! The magazine is called

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the dedication. I, too, have tons of beautiful leaves on the ground and still falling. Have you ever done one of those leaf placemats where you sandwich them between two sheets of wax paper and iron them together? Ok ok...elementary school stuff -- but why do the little kids get to have all the fun crafts?!!! In fact, I was thinking of making one myself...adding crayon shavings for color....hmm....delightful.

    So why such a busy life, eh? What do your parents do for a living? Do you like your parents? I know many kids my age that don't even know there parents...I hang out with mine alot and we get along great. I'm very fortunate.


tell me about yourself. what do you think about this post? what's going on in your life? what cool things have you run across lately? what'd you eat for lunch???

...I want to get to know you. :)